Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Ian Dewson - Make a Personal Exercise Routine

Ian Dewson is a personal trainer that wants to help keep his clients in good shape so they have a better quality of life. Becoming physically fit can be difficult, but it is far from impossible. There are many tips and tricks that exist to help ease the pain and transition from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one. These tips have been employed by amateurs and professional weight lifters alike. How successful your exercise regimen is will depend on how much work and research you are willing to put into it. It will also likely depend on how customized your routine is, and how much you have tailored it to your own life.

Ian Dewson
According to WebMD’s Workout Secrets, you should, “Make your plan fit your life, she advises in an article on the AARP website." You don't need fancy exercise gear and gyms to get fit. "If you've got floor space, try simple floor exercises to target areas such as the hips and buttocks, legs and thighs, and chest and arms (like push-ups, squats, and lunges). Aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, adding more reps and intensity as you build strength.”

Building a customized workout routine is so important because doing anything else is like setting yourself up for failure. It happens often people make unrealistic goals and workout schedules that don’t accommodate for their everyday lives. The result is a workout routine that never gets used. So never be afraid to just do what you can.

Ian Dewson likes to workout with his own routine.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Ian Dewson - Making an Effective Exercise Routine

Ian Dewson is a personal trainer that hopes to build his clientele base by getting real results for his customers. If you are one of those people that are looking to get in better shape, whether for yourself or others, there are many things that you have to learn about the fitness world. Fitness and health is nothing short of a science. Different people require different things to be successful. That is why it is so important to come up with an effective exercise routine and strategy that caters to you and your own individual needs.

Ian Dewson

Having a good exercise routine is a matter of knowing what is effective and what is now. According to WebMD workout secrets, “The American Council on Exercise (ACE) recently surveyed 1,000 ACE-certified personal trainers about the best techniques to get fit. Their top three suggestions:

Strength training. Even 20 minutes a day twice a week will help tone the entire body.

Interval training. "In its most basic form, interval training might involve walking for two minutes, running for two, and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of a workout," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, FACSM, chief science officer for ACE. "It is an extremely time-efficient and productive way to exercise."

By knowing what exercises are effective and what ones are not, you can trim the fat not just on yourself, but your routine as well. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to get results. You just have to learn how to be more efficient with your training.

Ian Dewson wants to help others get in shape.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Ian Dewson - Be a Better Trainer by Distinguishing Yourself

Ian Dewson hopes to become a good personal trainer by distinguishing himself from others in the field. Personal training as an occupation can be a highly competitive one. Thriving in the business is not easy, which is why you need to come up with a good plan so that you are well armed against the competition. A good way to make an impression with people and a reputation for yourself is to stand out from the crowd. Don’t just blindly follow every new fitness craze. Come up with your own identity as a trainer and then stick to your guns. People will appreciate and respect you for that.

Ian Dewson

According to, “Recognize your strengths as a trainer and use them to your advantage. Do you excel in small group sessions, or do you work better in a one-on-one environment? Are you comfortable working with teenagers, or do you prefer training adults? Working with and highlighting your strengths, rather than hopping on whatever training fad is most popular at the time, will help you gain and retain clients.”

Finding out your identity as a trainer is just as important as being knowledgeable about the fitness field. By knowing who you are and what your specialty is, you can differentiate yourself from the crowd and really get your career going. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and come up with your own style and approach to fitness. This style is the kind of thing that people value and will attract more business.

Ian Dewson hopes to be a good personal trainer someday.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Ian Dewson - Become a Better Trainer By Building Relationships

Ian Dewson has received his certification to be a personal trainer and is ready to get into the career and make a name for himself. If you too are a relatively new personal trainer looking to grow in your field, there are many tips and tricks out there to allow you to do just that. One of the most important things that you can do as a personal trainer to get an edge over the competition is to build lasting and meaningful relationships with your clients. Being a personal trainer is about more than producing results, it is about having good people skills.
Ian Dewson
According to, good trainers “Don't just load plates and count reps. Build relationships with your clients by asking them about their families, their lives, and their passions. Obviously, you always want to be a professional, but talking to your clients builds trust. Trust leads to long-term loyalty, referrals, and new business opportunities.” This means that you don’t just want your clients to associate you with the gym, you want them to think of you as a friend. The more you learn about your client’s life and the more comfortable they become with you, the more likely they are to talk about you to their own friends and family members. This kind of positive advertising cannot be paid for. Once you build good relationships with core clients, many more are likely to follow. Ian Dewson hopes to be a successful personal trainer by building meaningful relationships with his clients.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Tips to Stay Fit - Accept Yourself

Being in good shape is something that everybody wants, but many have experienced failure time and time again trying to get fit. This is often not the fault of the person, only that they did not use the many resources available to them in order to have a more successful fitness experience.

Ian Dewson

Many people do not understand that it is not just about doing the exercise and dieting, but about keeping yourself mentally strong and healthy. This is what will help you win the day and stop overeating and drinking. According to WebMD, feeling good about where you are as a person is one of the best ways to stay on track with a fitness regimen.

Most people who fail to get fit do so because they keep reinforcing all of the negative aspects of themselves. It is this human tendency to focus on the negative that discourages people from sticking to a regimen. Instead of someone thinking that they are lucky they don’t have a health or heart issue when overweight, they are too busy thinking how out-of-shape they are and will never be able to get rid of all the excess fat. Fitness is about mental well-being too, which is why the first step to your fitness goal is not just being okay with who you are, but feeling good about it as a whole. Often our flaws are never as bad as they look to us in the mirror.

Ian Dewson is a certified personal trainer that likes his clients to feel confident about themselves.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Tips to Prevent Cancer - A Good Diet

Though cancer is one of the most destructive diseases there is, there are ways to battle against it. Most of these ways involve preventative measures. According to the Siteman Cancer Center, a good diet is among one of the most effective ways to prevent and even battle cancer. Eating well, however, is often easier said than done.

Ian Dewson

There are many strange and confusing facts about what is healthy and what is not. A good eye however, can see that eating well is actually very simple. All you really have to do in order to eat well is to focus on getting large intakes of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while steering away from sugars and red meats.

Eating a better diet is not difficult; it only requires a bit of common sense and discipline. Most processed snack foods and fast foods are terrible for you, which is something you should consider when trying to eat well. Many nutritiionists agree that fish, chicken, and beans are the best source of protein for a good diet. Less refined grains like brown rice or whole wheat are also much better for you than are refined versions.

The reason that fruits and vegetables are so important for a healthy diet is that they contain many vital nutrients and antioxidants. Antioxidants are a key agent for fighting and preventing cancer from occurring within the body. That is why a good diet can go a long way for your short and long-term health.

Ian Dewson is a certified personal trainer who knows the power of a healthy diet.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Requirements to Become a Personal Trainer in America

Though there are many different certifications that exist to improve a personal trainer’s wealth of knowledge, there are few requirements to actually become a personal trainer, at least in America. In order to be a personal trainer in most areas requires a high school diploma, in-depth knowledge of how to carry out cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), as well as the knowledge to use an AED, or automated external defibrillator.

Ian Dewson

These requirements are relatively minor compared to other professions, and are usually only necessary to ensure the safety of a trainer’s clients. Though there aren’t many certification requirements, it is encouraged in the field to have a background in some kind of physical science, biology, or health field. Kinesiology, for instance, is an example of a great field for an aspiring personal trainer to pursue an education in.

An investigation of the qualifications held by personal trainers in the early 2000s revealed that 70% of the trainers surveyed did not hold a degree in any related field. Those that did not hold a degree also did much worse on average in a performance test. Trainers who held a certification from the ACSM or the NSCA, would score an average of 83%, much better than any other group. This means that if a person is seeking out a personal trainer, they should inquire as to what qualifications and certifications they have. A good general rule is to find a fitness trainer with a degree or educational background in exercise science.

Ian Dewson is a personal trainer who also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports & Recreation Management.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Personal Trainer Defined

A personal trainer is someone who dedicates themselves to the industry of fitness and the overall well being of the body and mind. Mostly a personal trainer is a kind of doctor or guru who can prescribe exercise instructions to meet specific needs. A personal trainer can also be tasked with not just instructing on how to get into shape, but to motivate each of their clients by setting proper goals and giving them useful critiques and feedback.

Ian Dewson

A trainer also has the job of assessing the client’s strengths and weaknesses involving fitness. This assessment is performed so that a trainer can come up with a sustainable fitness regimen that caters to the specific needs of each client that he or she takes on. This also helps measure improvements and gains throughout the course of the fitness schedule.

A personal trainer can spend time educating clients about not just good exercise routines and getting a pumped body, but about improving their overall health. Having a good diet and exercise program can help you feel better, be more energetic, and even improve things like memory and cognitive function. A qualified personal trainer often educates clients on matters like these in order to help keep them on track with their fitness schedule, as well as understand the value of exercise. It is also the job of a personal trainer to ensure that each client has no medical issues or conditions that could prevent the completion of a regimen.

Ian Dewson is a certified personal trainer who hopes to one day open his own fitness center.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Ian Dewson - Family Time

Ian Dewson is a busy and ambitious individual who still finds time to spend with those that are closest to him: his family. Below, he explains what he likes to do with his loved ones when they get to spend time together.

Ian Dewson

“Family time usually consists of going to swim class with my two kids at US Swim Academy in Coral Springs, FL on Sundays followed by hanging out by the pool with grandma and grandpa. We also like going to the Palm Beach Zoo, Lion Country Safari, Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Science and Discovery, Miami Seaquarium and Miami Zoo. We also like to go on airboat rides to see the alligators and spend days at the beach her in Deerfield Beach or in St. Petersburg, FL.

 We also like to camp together. I grew up going camping at Bass River State Park in New Jersey. I used to go a few times a year with my parents and family. We would go fishing, canoeing and obviously sit around the fire at night. Most recently I have gone camping at Peace River campgrounds in Florida and Pisgah National Forest in western North Carolina. I have hiked the Looking Glass Rick Trail a handful of times and like to go to Sliding Rock where families go to slide down a natural water slide and go swimming. “

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Ian Dewson - High School Football Memories

Ian Dewson has been an athletic person his entire life; and his love for the sport of football earned him a spot on the Palmyra Panthers High School football team when he was younger.

Ian Dewson
The Dewson-era Panthers were featured in an article published by South Jersey Sports in 1999 that recapped a game against the Riverside Rams. While it was not the most glorious game for the Palmyra Panthers, the following quote shows the never-quitting attitude of Ian Dewson as they went into what otherwise seemed like a hopeless fourth quarter: 

“The Panthers were able to keep the Rams from scoring in the 4th quarter with the help of 3 fumbles and several stupid penalties by Riverside. The Panthers managed to break the shutout with 3:16 left in the game when Ian Dewson picked up a Rams fumble at the Riverside 4-yard line and ran it in for a touchdown. Max Roach's kick put the final score at 42-7.”

Being the athletic and ambitious personality that Ian Dewson is, he continued to fight for his team until the very last second. It was a true display of a quality that is rare in this world, and highly valuable to those who know how to utilize it.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Ian Dewson - How to Patch a Tire

Like many car owners, Ian Dewson has experienced a flat tire or two in his day; and is thankful to have the knowledge that allowed him to patch the tire up on the spot. It is a simple process, assuming you have all the right equipment. Below are some steps you can take to patch a tire.

Ian Dewson

First, having a patch kit, jack and tire wrench are all necessary. First, place the jack under a sturdy and stable spot near the wheel; there usually a flat spot on the axel where it can be applied. Once you have set up the jack and have elevated the tire, it is time to remove the tire using a tire wrench. 

Once you have the tire removed, scan its surface for the hole. Once you find it, reach for your patch kit. Your patch kit should include, at the very least, these things: a handled tool with an end that resembles a screwdriver; another handled tool that has a threading hole at the end of it, much like a needle used for sewing; a tar-like solution separated into strips and maybe even some rubber cement

Use the screwdriver-like tool and stick it into the hole of the tire in order to clean the sides of the hole for the patch job. Then, thread the solution through the tip-hole of the threading tool, give the solution a generous layering of rubber cement and stick it into the hole. Once entered, turn the handle like a key and the pull it out.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Ian Dewson - CPT Basics

As Ian Dewson knows, Certified Personal Trainers are people who are licensed to be physical trainers for people, athletes and more. They often work in gyms, retirement homes, medical centers and other locations where they can help put people on training programs that are tailored to their needs and body styles. In order to get CPT organization, you must pass an exam that focuses on a number of different areas covered in this field. Below are some of the main topics you would encounter on the CPT Exam.

Ian Dewson

Functional Anatomy

Functional Anatomy is the study of anatomy and its relation to function. Here, you study the bones, muscles and organs that guide the body’s basic movements so that when you help a person train, you know how to get started right at the source of those functions. 

Exercise Prescription

Exercise prescription is the science of prescribing a proper workout plan for your trainee that will target the necessary muscle groups and help build them. Certain exercises are created to address specific parts of the body; and prescribing a routine will help get the desired results.

Training Instruction

Once you have analyzed the functional anatomy of a trainee and prescribed them a workout plan, the next step is to physically make sure that those exercises are executed perfectly. This means paying attention to posture and muscle use in your trainee as they try to make the movements, and make corrections when necessary.