Monday, 3 August 2015

Ian Dewson - CPT Basics

As Ian Dewson knows, Certified Personal Trainers are people who are licensed to be physical trainers for people, athletes and more. They often work in gyms, retirement homes, medical centers and other locations where they can help put people on training programs that are tailored to their needs and body styles. In order to get CPT organization, you must pass an exam that focuses on a number of different areas covered in this field. Below are some of the main topics you would encounter on the CPT Exam.

Ian Dewson

Functional Anatomy

Functional Anatomy is the study of anatomy and its relation to function. Here, you study the bones, muscles and organs that guide the body’s basic movements so that when you help a person train, you know how to get started right at the source of those functions. 

Exercise Prescription

Exercise prescription is the science of prescribing a proper workout plan for your trainee that will target the necessary muscle groups and help build them. Certain exercises are created to address specific parts of the body; and prescribing a routine will help get the desired results.

Training Instruction

Once you have analyzed the functional anatomy of a trainee and prescribed them a workout plan, the next step is to physically make sure that those exercises are executed perfectly. This means paying attention to posture and muscle use in your trainee as they try to make the movements, and make corrections when necessary.