Personal trainer Ian Dewson knows that there is more than one way to be fit and healthy. Along with a proper diet and plenty of exercise, he
believes in the concept of meditation. Meditation can be described as a
method millions of people use to keep their body and mind healthy. It is
useful for relieving stress, and for gaining a sense of focus in life.
though meditation does not involve movement of the body, like a
standard exercise, it can have a very positive impact on physical
health. People who meditate notice that it is often easier to lose
weight. Taking the time to meditate and focus allows these people to
keep their weight loss goals in mind. Others find that meditation helps
to alleviate headaches. This is a great alternative for those who have
had little success with medications, or for those who do not want to
take headache medications.
From a mental aspect, Ian Dewson states that meditation has many benefits. Memory, something that tends to fade as we get older, actually becomes stronger after meditation sessions. Memory loss has been so stymied by meditation, that doctors are now considering it as a viable treatment option for persons with beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Dewson also tells his clients that meditation helps people with their problem solving skills. When an issue is meditated on, it is often solved and removed from your life, thus decreasing your stress levels.

From a mental aspect, Ian Dewson states that meditation has many benefits. Memory, something that tends to fade as we get older, actually becomes stronger after meditation sessions. Memory loss has been so stymied by meditation, that doctors are now considering it as a viable treatment option for persons with beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Dewson also tells his clients that meditation helps people with their problem solving skills. When an issue is meditated on, it is often solved and removed from your life, thus decreasing your stress levels.