Monday, 28 September 2015

Personal Trainer Defined

A personal trainer is someone who dedicates themselves to the industry of fitness and the overall well being of the body and mind. Mostly a personal trainer is a kind of doctor or guru who can prescribe exercise instructions to meet specific needs. A personal trainer can also be tasked with not just instructing on how to get into shape, but to motivate each of their clients by setting proper goals and giving them useful critiques and feedback.

Ian Dewson

A trainer also has the job of assessing the client’s strengths and weaknesses involving fitness. This assessment is performed so that a trainer can come up with a sustainable fitness regimen that caters to the specific needs of each client that he or she takes on. This also helps measure improvements and gains throughout the course of the fitness schedule.

A personal trainer can spend time educating clients about not just good exercise routines and getting a pumped body, but about improving their overall health. Having a good diet and exercise program can help you feel better, be more energetic, and even improve things like memory and cognitive function. A qualified personal trainer often educates clients on matters like these in order to help keep them on track with their fitness schedule, as well as understand the value of exercise. It is also the job of a personal trainer to ensure that each client has no medical issues or conditions that could prevent the completion of a regimen.

Ian Dewson is a certified personal trainer who hopes to one day open his own fitness center.